blood.sweat.tears music syndicate | est. 5.02

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Review: Mindfield - Be-low

artist: mindfield
album: be-low
label: lifeforce records

by: rob tatum

If I was writing a recipe to create the band Mindfield it would read as follows: take two parts In Flames and mix with one part Skid Row, blend, serve with an open mind. Immediately after inserting this CD I knew it was Swedish style metal ala In Flames, but what really got me was the Sebastian Bach styled vocals that showed up 45 seconds into the first song. I couldn’t help but to laugh, as bad as that might sound.

To give Mindfield some credit, they are amazing
musicians. The guitar work is excellent. Metal riff after metal riff tears up the listener’s ears. The vocals aren’t always the high-pitched wails, but don’t expect the hardcore style that accompanies bands like In Flames. There are some melodic sing alongs from time to time, as odd as that may seem. The lyrics, and song titles for that matter, are almost comical at times, but how can you complain when the second track is called "Destination 666”? Dark, demonic, and cheesy are the best words to reflect the lyrics. This album brings back all those memories of 80’s hair metal and yet attempts to bring with it some flashbacks of older Slayer as well.

I’m not sure exactly where this album falls in. It’s a little too 80’s for the metal heads and a little too metal for the pop or rock fans. Honestly, the music is awesome and there are a handful of songs that you can’t help but sing along with, but I’m not really sure where it falls in my music collection. Basically if you are into metal in any way I would check this out, as it combines many of the subgenres into this one release. A very solid release for what it’s worth.

favorite song: "desperate (death parade)"

rating: 79%/100%

listen to mindfield

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