blood.sweat.tears music syndicate | est. 5.02

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Review: Boys Night Out - Broken Bones and Bloody Kisses

artist: boys night out
album: broken bones and bloody kisses
label: one day savior records

by: rob tatum

First off this is an EP, so it’s only six songs in length. For once, I have a lot of meaningful comparisons for this band. For anyone who liked older Keepsake (prior to Fearless Records), then Boys Night Out is the band for you. Combining hardcore, similar to Remembering Never, with poppy, catchy punk, Broken Bones and Bloody Kisses is a perfect example of how to combine to genres into one. The lyrics are once again similar to Remembering Never, “The first time I saw a body bend that way I realized that we’re more beautiful dead than alive.” The only thing that is hard to get used to is that the lyrics are sang in a catchy manner as opposed to the hardcore screams usually attached to words of that manner. I hope that this band isn’t trying to take advantage of a trend because they are a good listen, but I don’t know how long before it gets boring. The music isn’t overly complex, and is kind of boring in the poppy parts. Simple drum beats and somewhat basic guitar work, but good sound. Fans of intense musicianship, this is not for you. For fans of catchy, decently-arranged music; check this out if you get the chance.

favorite song: "the only honest love song"

rating: 83%/100%

listen to boys night out

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