bst interviews norma jean by rob tatum On January 29th, we had the chance to talk with Cory Brandan , the new vocalist of Norma Jean. We spent some time talking about the band's new album, their upcoming tour, and the resurgance of heavy music. The following is a recap of the interview. If you are interested in learning more about and listening to Norma Jean, visit the band's official website, and Solid State Records. *Note: As always, interview responses reflect the ideas and feelings of individual bands and their members. Responses do not represent anything regarding the bst staff. bst: Please state your name and instrument. Cory: Cory Brandan and I use the vocal chord instrument. Cory: They should expect a diverse record; we went all the way and did whatever we wanted and with no expectations. We experimented musically and feel like we made a good record that we love. Can’t ask for much more. bst: It’s been quite a while between releases for you guys, do you think that has helped or hurt the overall perception of the band? Do you think it has created a high level of anticipation from listeners? Cory: I am the new guy, and from an outside looking in perspective, I think it’s definitely helped. The band as a whole has progressed musically, after touring on one record for such a long time, everyone has mastered their instruments a little more and their musical perception as well. The new record shows that. As far as anticipation goes... if Norma Jean has created anticipation… then that means we have good fans who look forward to hearing what we created. That is an incredible thing in our opinion. bst: I know you guys just shot a video recently. There are many that believe that hardcore/metal has become part of the mainstream with the resurgence of Headbanger’s Ball and the success of Ozzfest. Do you agree/disagree with this statement? Cory: I do think it is a lot more “mainstream”, but it’s pretty far from Brittney and Avril. I mean... it’s not that mainstream. This style of music may not be as trendy as mainstream radio but I think there will always have a group of people who breathe the music and live the life. bst: Has it affected you in any way? Do you think this popularity will dilute the quality of music that is being released? Cory: No, it hasn't affected us. Maybe it will dilute it, but only on Tuesdays... bst: I’m not sure how big of Pantera fans you are, but even just as musicians, what are you thoughts on the tragic death of Dimebag Darrell? Has it affected your comfort level playing on stage? Do you think it was just an isolated incident, or do you think larger measures need to implemented to prevent it from happening to someone else? Cory: Dang, I don’t know. I haven’t played on stage since that happened seeing as we’ve been in the studio and everything, but I unquestionably think it’s pretty scary and really sad. I am certainly a big Pantera fan and generally it really just pisses me off. There is no rational motive for that by any means. bst: Since I mentioned playing on stage, you guys are known for your entertaining stage presence and antics. What are the worst injuries you have suffered on stage? Cory: Minor cuts and bruises typically, I feel like we have the on stage animation down as far as “antics” go... but before the Solid State tour last year I hurt my ankle pretty bad and had to wear a brace the whole tour. So, I hurt my ankle even more numerous more times throughout that tour, just from jumping off too many high things. Man, that was a fun tour bst: I know there is a lot of anticipation for the record release, but are you excited about the upcoming tour? Do you prefer playing the larger tours at the larger venues, or do you feel more at home at a smaller clubs? Cory: We are always excited about tour! We like everywhere… it just depends on how you feel. Sometimes its fun being on a big stage and sometimes its cool to be in a smaller setting... Either way we are going to try and bring everyone closer to us musically and personally. Playing live means everything to us. bst: What are your plans at the conclusion of this tour? More touring? Some R&R? Cory: We don’t neglect our breaks. In may we will spend time with our families and rest. I think if you are always touring then you may miss out on why you are touring. If I don’t get to see my family then I feel like there is no balance. That’s just me. If I get to rest it makes the next tour just as exciting as any and I feel like I have my energy back. bst: Anything else you would like to add? Cory: We like BBQ, Halo 2, and we believe in a real God who has done real great things for us. All glory is to Him. bst: Thanks a ton for taking the time to answer our questions. We really appreciate it. See you guys in Denver. Cory: Thank you… can’t wait to be there. |
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Interview: Norma Jean
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